Thursday, 17 June 2010

My Abertay Digital Showcase 2010

Well, well, well, that's it finally over, 2 years at University!! It all ended with my end of year show which I am about to go into in great detail, so pull up a chair and make yourself comfy cos believe me you'll be here for a while (only kiddin'!).

For my final year project I wanted to explore the use of character design in conjunction with new technology and see whether it could help in the fight against bullying.

The development of my character Michty Mo - Playground Protector was updated on a regular basis (hah!) on it's own blog post where you can find out more about the character & project.

Through research for my dissertation I found that children were reluctant to tell an adult/parent/teacher if they were victims of this dreadful activity. So by researching the use of spokes - character design in advertising past & present I wanted to find out if I could use some of these techniques in creating a sympathetic character that children could relate to & trust enough to open up talk about any bullying issues.
It was my intention to create a youth club environment online and using Facebook & Twitter to create a type of social networking group as a possible means of interactivity using the character as a host . The idea of members having to enrol, where they could have access to online material, monthly newsletter updates, downloadable freebies, games etc, hopefully creating an online community where members could relate their own advice from their own experiences. The idea of an identity e.g. badges and stickers could be introduced & distributed to members as a means of recognition to other members to create a sense of belonging which would ultimately encourage self-confidence and the feeling that they are not alone and it is not just them that this vile activity is happening to.
As a way of introducing the character to the targeted age group I created this short animation below -

as well as the animated piece I created a printed comic to sit alongside it to further promote the character. The response from the public during the time of the exhibition was very helpful & the amount of people that confessed to being victims or having knowledge of someone else being bullied was quite alarming.

I'm not saying that the creation of this character will eradicate bullying but I am hoping that it could be used in conjunction with other anti bullying iniatives and help alleviate the despair & loneliness victims of this social disease feel.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Comic Strip

As part of my Press Pack which I have to submit, I have decided to put together a comic which is really the animation as a cartoon strip. Also trying to get a poster completed for Friday's exhibition. As usual everything left to the last minute.

Friday, 14 May 2010

FINISHED (well, bar a bit of tweaking!)

Well it's Friday 14th May 18:54 and I'm gagging for a pint, I think I deserve one because I have finished my animation rough as it is, all 3mins and 38 secs of it. If I have time I'll try and sort out the tweaks that are needing done. Anyway I am off to the pub for a wee libation. Cheerie!!!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

13/5/10 Progress so far

Thought I'd post my progress so far, it's 14:27 13th May & this is what I have achieved today (and the day isn't over yet!)

I can see it beginning to happen, yesterday got a bit fed up having to sit & re-run the animation over & over again - to tell you the truth I was pretty sick of the whole thing.

Today got on with it & I can maybe see me getting it finished (I have now given the project the kiss of death!!).

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

12/5/10 Today's progress so far

It's 17:34, 12th of May and I'm needing a break. I'd be lying if I said I have been glued to the screen all day but pretty much all day - for what? About 40 odd seconds of animation that's what.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

More animation done

Here is an update to the animation from yesterday - 11th May 2010. Made some progress, mm I going to get it finished? That's the $64 million question. We'll just have to wait and see, I'm not making any promises.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Opening Frames

Made a start to my Final Project animation, working away this morning & afternoon. Decided to post what I have done so far. Hoping to have it finished for next Monday (hah! nervous reaction!), when I say that I am hoping to have something done for then. Degree show on Friday 21st May - plenty time. Dissertation almost finished tho'!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

On the run

Here's a wee try out of an animation of Morag running - I've got a long way to go, it feels like I'm just making this up as I go along, I need to structure myself better. Got to make some decisions.

Now using Social Media

You can now communicate with Michty Mo via social networking sites Facebook & Twitter.

By signing up to these sites I am hoping to generate interest in Michty Mo & for people to communicate and interact. I would like people to be able to open up & speak of their experiences of bullying, whether they have been bullied, maybe they were bullies or maybe they have seen bullying but not intervened.

This is all part of my Honour's Project to see whether people (of all ages) are comfortable in expressing their feelings in hopefully helping others in similar situations.

It is hoped to create some kind of community/network where you do not feel you are alone.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

New Badge/ID

After much thought & deliberation I have come to this decision for Michty Mo's badge/logo.

I had become too attached with the original drawing that I thought it didn't need altered. I liked the idea of the letters forming a heart shape & played around with this idea but couldn't quite nail it.

I particularly liked the Walls ice cream logo & tried my own variations but the resemblance was too alike, so I have opted for the above logo idea. The idea of the 2 M's forming a caring heart shape, to symbolise Morag's caring nature.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Showreel Teaser

I was kind of rushed into producing this 30 second short teaser (although I think this comes in at 25 secs) for the Abertay Digital Show showreel. I still don't know the overall look of my proposed finished item for my Honours Project. This will give you some indication of how or how it won't look.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Troubled Youngsters Turn to the Internet

I read this interesting article entitled "Troubled Youngsters Turn to the Internet" by Robert Dex, for The Scotsman, 18th March 2010. Which is kind of related to what I am trying to achieve with my Michty Morag project.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Merlin's Tale

I came across this a while back at the BBC website, it is the tale of young Merlin as illustrated by a favourite illustrator of mine, Rex Crowle. It is a very atmospheric piece, written by Catherine Fisher & dramatically read by Richard Elfyn.

If I could get as near to this kind of thing with my story of Michty Morag then I'd be more than "chuffed".

The BBC has a website dedicated to British myths. Among the features are a flash game and various stories, including a tale of young Merlin illustrated byRex Crowle.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Interactive Comic

I love this interactive comic, commissioned by Elisava School of Design, created by Soon in Tokyo and illustrated by Serge Seidlitz for "i am not an artist" site. I have put in links so there is no excuse for having a look.

As part of my Michty Morag project I am tempted to attempt an interactive comic as opposed to the planned animation. I like the way the above comic flows & the way they have the music/audio reacting to the frames.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Another Transformation

Here is an idea I was playing around with - possibly filming the story with handmade puppets through the camera on the computer, placing backgrounds later in After Effects or something.
As I said - "Just an idea!"


Blink & you'll miss it! A wee, & I mean wee animation, all 2 seconds of it. I was going to type "& the transformation is complete" but it isn't really. Still got a lot of work to do before I get this part of the project complete. Still trying to get the style of it correct.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Michty Mo Storyboard

For part of my Final Year Project I proposed to do a short animation to introduce the character Michty Mo. Find below my first draft of a storyboard outlining who Michty Mo is & how she became the "Playground Protector"

Michty Mo Storyboard (cont.)