Sunday, 16 May 2010

Comic Strip

As part of my Press Pack which I have to submit, I have decided to put together a comic which is really the animation as a cartoon strip. Also trying to get a poster completed for Friday's exhibition. As usual everything left to the last minute.

Friday, 14 May 2010

FINISHED (well, bar a bit of tweaking!)

Well it's Friday 14th May 18:54 and I'm gagging for a pint, I think I deserve one because I have finished my animation rough as it is, all 3mins and 38 secs of it. If I have time I'll try and sort out the tweaks that are needing done. Anyway I am off to the pub for a wee libation. Cheerie!!!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

13/5/10 Progress so far

Thought I'd post my progress so far, it's 14:27 13th May & this is what I have achieved today (and the day isn't over yet!)

I can see it beginning to happen, yesterday got a bit fed up having to sit & re-run the animation over & over again - to tell you the truth I was pretty sick of the whole thing.

Today got on with it & I can maybe see me getting it finished (I have now given the project the kiss of death!!).

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

12/5/10 Today's progress so far

It's 17:34, 12th of May and I'm needing a break. I'd be lying if I said I have been glued to the screen all day but pretty much all day - for what? About 40 odd seconds of animation that's what.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

More animation done

Here is an update to the animation from yesterday - 11th May 2010. Made some progress, mm I going to get it finished? That's the $64 million question. We'll just have to wait and see, I'm not making any promises.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Opening Frames

Made a start to my Final Project animation, working away this morning & afternoon. Decided to post what I have done so far. Hoping to have it finished for next Monday (hah! nervous reaction!), when I say that I am hoping to have something done for then. Degree show on Friday 21st May - plenty time. Dissertation almost finished tho'!